By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life. Psalm 42:8

Sunday, May 8, 2011

And once again...

I abandon my page for about two weeks. Things have been a bit crazy, not necessarily schedule-wise, but mentally and emotionally. Preoccupied is probably a great word to describe how I've been feeling.

Not a day goes by that I don't think about Jacob and his life that ended so suddenly. We all thought he would beat this, and he did, but not in the way that we all hoped. The Lord had victory over his body and sickness, and Jacob is running through the streets of heaven now with his new heart-- that beats absolutely perfectly. My heart just hurts for the immediate family that surrounded Jacob daily. I can only hope and pray that I will be a tenth as a great a parent as Brian and Nicole were and are. Totally solid. Totally in love with their little boy. And totally not willing to go down without a fight.

When the Lord took Jacob home, it wasn't until about 11pm, so all day that day we were on our knees praying that God would perform a miracle. But at the same time, I was weeping that entire Tuesday. All day, and I feel like even though Jacob wasn't gone yet, I knew. I knew that the Lord was coming to take his hand and that's why I was such a wreck. Everytime I thought about him, which was every minute, I heard the words "the Portion of Jacob." That phrase comes from one of my favorite passages, Jeremiah 10:16...
"He who is the Portion of Jacob is not like these,
for He is the maker of all things,
including Israel, the land of his inheritance;
The Lord Almighty is his name."

Over and over I heard "the Portion of Jacob" because I could see a vision of Jakey lying in that hospital bed. And He is the Portion of Jacob. He was little, mighty Jakey's portion. This little boy knew why he was here and I know he heard the words "well done." I remember thinking "I just saw him. JUST saw him." And I didn't to see him very much, but I made sure to go and visit since I am so close now. Forever will he have a mark on my heart, and a place that no one else can fill.

I love you Jacob.



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