By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life. Psalm 42:8

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

20 Minutes of Thanks

So this is actually a "Thanksgiving Assignment" for our Worship Sectional, which is just 20 minutes of straight up thanks to the Lord; everyday that we are off this week. No intercession, no asking for things, no small talk, "go thank the Lord". It doesn't sound easy, it doesn't look easy, it doesn't feel easy. Until you do it.

Day two and I have to share. Because I can't even begin to explain the conversations that happen with the Lord when you go into prayer literally focused on Him. Guilty as charged, I am usually in prayer for me, or for someone else. Self.Ish. So, instead of trying to go back into the moment, this is my journal entry that immediately followed my conference call with the Most High. Cuh.Razy...

"This time was different than last night. I was brought to tears when the Lord caught me on something I had never wholly thanked Him for: taking care of me. He has always taken care of me. I remembered one conversation I had had with my mom and her response, in tears, was this: “He is taking care of you.” He brought this thought back to mind and I couldn’t help but cry.

“Thank you for taking care of me, thank you for taking care of me.”

Again, this prayer time went by much faster than it felt. I can literally feel my spirit enter into conversation with the Lord, as well as my mind go into worship. It’s like I’m aware of what’s around me, but I’m in another place inside. The Spirit feels heavy and I can feel that I am talking to the Lord. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced; and to think, all I’m doing is thanking Him. But I never thank Him. I thank Him when I feel like I have something to be thankful for, but never when I know I have everything to be thankful for. It’s amazing what happens when we just sit and adore the Lord with thanksgiving. And I sit and listen in silence for what He wants me to be thankful for, that’s a journey in and of itself. Things you didn’t even know made a difference in your life, or were worth recalling, are the things He thinks are most precious."

There is definitely something to be learned in selfless prayer. It might be the part where we define "selfless" and let God do the talking. I always think of Elijah on the mountaintop waiting to hear from God. And the voice of the Lord comes in a whisper. How intricate, that voice of the Lord. When we go before Him ready to listen, we leave with more than we came with.
