By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life. Psalm 42:8

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Well hello Sacramento, I haven't lived here in a while...

So I'm all unpacked, almost moved in. And it's really been a blessing, but becoming more of a gift from the Lord as I spend time with my family, unwind, and really meditate on the Him. I've only been here a couple days and it's been so nice not to have to do anything! I don't start work until next Monday....I couldn't be happier. Opening everyday, to saying goodbyes, straight to a roadtrip didn't really allow for much rest. But chillin with my family is making this transition a little easier. The hardest part I think, is forgetting that I'm here and here for good at the moment. Ha, I think I see Chicago friends' cars....not them...but I don't wave, which saves me some embarrassment.

Jesus is teaching me so much by being in a place that really wasn't my first choice. It's beginning to be clear what he wants me to do, as opposed to what I "wanttothinkbutreallyitsmydesire" mentality getting in the way. I do have to work on pushing myself to do things outside of this tiny house, though. Even when I move to prevent being stagnant, I can very easily sit by myself because I "know no one", or, "have nothing to do." So today I went and took a Bikram Yoga class. There is definitely a struggle there because it's not based on Jesus Christ at all. But I do it for the exercise....and I have absolutely no idea what "namaste" means, so I think I'll be okay. I use the relaxation time to pray and just be vulnerable before the Lord.

So as I start to begin a new adventure in Sacramento before going on to Australia its really been on my heart that a lot of heavy things are going to go down while I am here. And those things I won't say yet, mainly because it's what I feel from the Holy Spirit, and if they aren't to happen while I'm here, lets not get emotional about it. I was reading from 2 Chronicles 31:1 last night. Read it, tell me what you got from Him:)



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